Monday, September 2, 2013

The Message continues...

My Mom (91 years old now) and brother Scott (turning 50 in December) and my husband Bill & I recently drove the Blue Ridge Parkway.  When I later viewed this picture of Mom and Scott, I was overwhelmed with thoughts...thoughts of love and pride and "what next" and, above all, thankfulness that God placed them in my life.
It's been over 7 years now since Mom & I began to edit and revise and rewrite her journal notes to tell her story of God's faithfulness throughout her lifetime.  This month will make 5 years since she was able to hold a printed copy of her book in her hands for the first time.
I'm so thankful for the hundreds (yes, hundreds) of readers who have sent her personal comments regarding the impact her book has had in their lives 
...from Dr. Richard Tate of Tate Publishing who commented to me, "Oh, Barbara, your Mother's story just has to be told," to her neighbor Kenny (now with our Heavenly Father) who said, "Doris, I couldn't put your book down.  It's so inspiring.  I know it is going to touch many people," to our previous Pastor saying, "Wow! and double wow..and praise the Lord for the results.  You've put together a wonderful testimony," to a friend's daughter who said, "I laughed and cried, but mostly I found peace and a will to stay strong."  These and hundreds of other positive comments were ALWAYS received by my Mom with her giving credit to God. 
     Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory,
              because of your love and faithfulness.  Psalm 115:1

Mom and brother Scott have now come to live with Bill and me.  Her mind is sharp and clear, but her physical endurance is waning.  She and I are going to start meeting weekly to work on another book...this one her recollections of days gone by.  Please pray for us all during this time of transition and future planning.
 Barb Radmacher (grateful daughter)